Medical Device Tax Repeal Support Maintained

Senator Lamar Alexander (R) Tennessee, recently visited Memphis and said about the recent non-binding vote to repeal the Medical Device Tax, “We had both Democratic and Republican support, I think the chances are good that the 2.3 percent excise tax on the revenues of medical device companies will be repealed before very long.” […]

By |2013-05-06T16:38:04+00:00May 6th, 2013|Government, Healthcare|Comments Off on Medical Device Tax Repeal Support Maintained

Medical Device Tax Non-Binding Resolution

From our Lobbyist – John Weinfurter Please note the following medical device tax non-binding resolution.  Background & Context: The Senate gave sweeping bipartisan approval in a vote of 79-20 Thursday night on an amendment by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN) to repeal the 2.3% tax on sales of pacemakers, surgical tools and [...]

By |2013-03-28T12:53:04+00:00March 28th, 2013|Business, Government, Healthcare|1 Comment

Who Should Drive the ACO Train?

Getting providers in the health care delivery system to work together to coordinate patient care is a big change in our system and is being driven by the PPACA (Obama Care) in the guise of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). “While there is overwhelming support for these lofty goals [for ACOs], […]

By |2013-03-12T08:09:49+00:00March 12th, 2013|Government, Healthcare|Comments Off on Who Should Drive the ACO Train?

FDA Clarification Requested

We requested FDA clarification on the new regulations concerning Medical Establishment Registration and Device Listing for Manufacturers and Initial Importers of Devices. Read our letter here.

By |2012-12-16T07:00:45+00:00December 16th, 2012|Business, Government, Healthcare|Comments Off on FDA Clarification Requested

IAMERS Medical Device Excise Tax Letter

Here is a copy of the letter from Rob Kerwin, General Councel for IAMERS, to Kara Getz, Esq., Tax Counsel to the Hon. Richard E. Neal, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding the January 2013 Medical Device Excise Tax. It is our priority to get clarification from the Department of Treasury on whether or not the excise tax applies to [...]

By |2012-12-12T17:21:42+00:00December 12th, 2012|Government, Healthcare, Medical, Reform|3 Comments

I Always Thought MRI Was Safe

AHRA reports that ICDs and other causes of accidents and personal injury from the use of MRI have improved remarkably. After reading this report your shoulder or back may suddenly improve and no longer require a scan.  

By |2012-08-14T09:36:56+00:00August 14th, 2012|Healthcare|Comments Off on I Always Thought MRI Was Safe
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