Thursday May 2

8:30am // Breakfast and Keynote Speaker
Dr. Giuseppe Ammendola // Economics Professor at NYC
Does the Global Economy Affect Your Business?

10:00am // Washington Update
Casper Uldriks, Esq. // OFW, Washington, DC
A Review of Legislative Changes Impacting Our Industry

Chuck Gauthier // Shared Imaging
Medical Capital Equipment Life Cycle Risk Management

12:00pm // Lunch (included)

Dr. Stan Goldsmith // Professor of Radiology & Medicine at Weill Medical College at Cornell
How Technology Healthcare Reform and the Economy are Changing the Way We View and Use Medical Imaging

1:45pm // FDA Updates
Including Status of the Unique Device Identification Program

2:45/3:00pm // Meeting Adjourns for the Day

Friday May 3

9:15am // Continental breakfast

Kate Guthro // Guthro Design
How the IAMERS Site Can Work for You

Robert Kerwin, Esq. // IAMERS General Counsel
Update on The Medical Device Excise Tax

11:30am // IAMERS Business Meeting

12:15pm // Meeting Adjourns